ØRECLESS: Umbilical Cord Prolapse in a Rural Family Practice.

Learners will manage an obstetrical complication of umbilical cord prolapse and demonstrate an understanding of fetal heart rate surveillance.

  • Tiana Bressan    
  • None   
  • Dec. 6, 2023, 1:52 p.m.   

  • Obstetrics   
  • Medical Students, Residents, Physicians, Nurses   
  • ECG Leads/Wires, IV Equip., NIBP Cuff, O2 Monitors, Pulse Oximeter, Temperature Probe   

  • 1   
  • < 30 Min   
  • Rural Hospital   
ØRECLESS: Umbilical Cord Prolapse in a Rural Family Practice.

You’re on-call for obstetrics today in a rural 1A maternity site (no local cesarean section capabilities), and the nearest urban centre is 250 km away. You’ve been having a relaxing morning picking weeds from your garden and thinking about attending your child’s school concert later this afternoon. Don’t you love living rural? 

You are about to go for a bike ride when you get a call from the hospital. Nurse: “A young woman just arrived and I think she’s in labour.” You let the nurse know that you’ll bike over and should be there in about five minutes.

A 17 y/o woman presented to the ED at 1215 appearing to be full term with abdominal pain. She’s been having strong contractions since 0200 and says that it almost feels like something is “about to come out.” She appears worried but is not in visible distress. 

She has no record of prenatal care, is nulliparous, and is carrying a singleton pregnancy. Prenatal labs are not available. Her past medical history and family history are insignificant. She has no allergies and takes no medications. She does not smoke but “has an occasional drink.”

On examination, the learner will recognize and manage umbilical cord prolapse through intrauterine resuscitation and delaying delivery. The learner will demonstrate an understanding of fetal heart rate surveillance and clinical decision-making skills to assess transportation options and delayed delivery.

This simulation is part of ØRECLESS (Rural Emergencies and Complications in Labour Events Simulations Suite).

Goals and Learning Objectives
Technical/Equipment Recommendations
Supporting Roles and Scripts
Moulage and Scenario Set-Up
Printable Supporting Documents (Will also be accessible at relevant Scenario Stage)

Note: While prepping for your simulation, don't forget to prep for the debrief. Become comfortable with your chosen framework, review your objectives. For additional debriefing resources, see our Resources page.

Original Author: Tiana Bressan
Originally published on: July 14, 2023
Most Recent Modification: November 3, 2023