SCAPE - in progress

Initial Management of Sympathetic Crashing Acute Pulmonary Edema in a rural ED

  • Dan Irvine    
  • None   
  • June 9, 2023, 6:07 p.m.   

  • Cardiology   
  • Residents, Physicians, Nurses   
  • ACLS Equip., Airway Equip., Ultra-Sound Machine   

  • 2   
  • 60 Min   
  • Rural Hospital   
SCAPE - in progress


Goals and Learning Objectives
Technical/Equipment Recommendations

Time Recommended: X minutes total (X min Setup | Xmin Scenario | Xmin Debrief)

Patient Recommendation: Manakin dressed as 58 year old obese male, or described as such. Low fidelity - can use residents not participating in this sim.

Medical Equipment:

  • Equipment 1 - O2 supplies
  • Equipment 2 - Ventilator for bipap (preferred) 
  • Equipment 3 - High flow nasal cannula device or can use the training app supplied free by the company (ie Airvo 2 app)
  • Equipment 4 - Portable US (preferred)


  • Medication 1 - nitroglycerin spray
  • Medication 2 - nitroglycerin IV
  • Medication 3 - Ketamine
  • Medication 4 - Midazolam
  • Medication 5 - Fentanyl
Supporting Roles and Scripts
Role Description (Role, Behaviour, Key Moments, Script)



Hands over patient, describes initial vitals and signs/symptoms

  • This is John Bell, a 58 year old male with a chief complaint of severe shortness of breath.  He does not have any known medical conditions, but has not been to a doctor in many years. Vitals on scene are HR 140 regular, BP 205/130 Afebrile at 37.2C, RR 38 SpO2 68% RA, came up to 80% on 15lpm non-rebreather.  GCS 15. He has severe work of breathing, with diffuse creps on chest exam. I have given ASA 162, started an 22 gauge right hand - saline locked. RR came down to 36, and SpO2 up to 80% with the non-rebreather, but rest of his vitals remained unchanged. He has no meds, no allergies, and as I mentioned not much is known about his general medical conditions not having seen a family doctor in years. 
Bedside RN

Stage X- Act as a normal RN. Generally helpful and knowledgeable

  • Script/Suggested phrases1
  • Script/Suggest phrases1

Tertiary Care


If you have extra learners not involved in the case, I have found it helpful for  one or more learners to be the consultants. I have found it has helped the observing learners to remain engaged and focused on the case, anticipating the questions they might be asked, and looking up answers. 

  • Script/Suggested phrases1
  • Script/Suggest phrases1
Moulage and Scenario Set-Up

Moulage: Street clothes, IV in place

Set-Up: Lying on stretcher in semi-fowlers as delivered by EMS

Printable Supporting Documents (Will also be accessible at relevant Scenario Stage)

Note: While prepping for your simulation, don't forget to prep for the debrief. Become comfortable with your chosen framework, review your objectives. For additional debriefing resources, see our Resources page.

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