Armed Overdose

Management of a mixed overdose patient who is found to be armed. Will need to handle situation according to ED/local guidelines.

  • Dr Brad Stebner, Dr Jared Baylis    
  • Mateo Orrantia - 2022   
  • Sept. 7, 2022, 4:55 p.m.   

  • Communication, Emergency Medicine, Toxicology   
  • Residents, Physicians, Nurses   
  • Airway Equip., ECG Leads/Wires, IV Equip., Level 1 Transfusion Equip., Manakin - LF, Standard Resuscitation Equip.   

  • 3   
  • 60 Min   
  • Rural Hospital   

  • PRACTISS Verified   
Armed Overdose

In this case a 44 y/o M is brought in via EMS after receiving 0.4mg of naloxone for what is suspected to be an opioid overdose. He remains GCS 7 upon arrival in the resuscitation bay. The team will need to work through the differential for altered LoC and will find drug paraphernalia and a loaded weapon on the patient upon inspection. The case will end with successful treatment and consultation with local police with regard to weapon and contraband protocols. 

Note: For this simulation, it could be helpful to coordinate with local police force to involve them in the learning.

Goals and Learning Objectives
Technical/Equipment Recommendations
Supporting Roles and Scripts - None for this Scenario
Moulage and Scenario Set-Up
Printable Supporting Documents (Will also be accessible at relevant Scenario Stage)

Note: While prepping for your simulation, don't forget to prep for the debrief. Become comfortable with your chosen framework, review your objectives. For additional debriefing resources, see our Resources page.

Original Author:Dr Brad Stebner, Dr Jared Baylis
Date: April 7 2021
Originally published on:
Most Recent Modification: May 2022
Modified by: Mateo Orrantia