ØRECLESS: Assisted Vaginal Delivery & Uterine Inversion in Rural Family Practice.

Learners will manage an obstetrical complication of prolonged second stage of labour with a vacuum delivery and postpartum complication of uterine inversion.

  • Tiana Bressan    
  • None   
  • Jan. 17, 2024, 1:23 a.m.   

  • Obstetrics   
  • Medical Students, Residents, Physicians, Nurses   
  • ECG Leads/Wires, IV Equip.   

  • 1   
  • 30 Min   
  • Rural Hospital   
ØRECLESS: Assisted Vaginal Delivery & Uterine Inversion in Rural Family Practice.

You’re one of six physicians in a community classified as a rural 1A maternity site (no local cesarean section capabilities), and the nearest urban centre is 430 km away. Your colleague calls you this morning, “Hey, my kid woke up with the stomach flu. Any chance you can take my on-call obstetrics shift today? It should be quiet.” You agree and hope they’re right. Just as you start feeding your chickens, the phone rings. Nurse: “A woman just walked in, and I think she’s in labour.” 

A 29 y/o woman presents to the ED at approximately 40 weeks gestation with eight hours of labour pain. She believes her water broke and her contractions have become more frequent and intense. She estimates that her contractions have been happening every minute or so and last for almost a minute. The woman is alert, oriented x3, and appears to be anxious. Her physical exam is otherwise normal.

She’s had a normal prenatal course, has been well throughout her pregnancy, and her records indicate that she’s nulliparous, and is carrying a singleton pregnancy. Prenatal labs were normal. She states that she’s prediabetic and high cholesterol runs in the family. She does not take any medications and has no known allergies.

On examination, the learner will perform an assisted vaginal delivery with a vacuum and manage the postpartum complication of uterine inversion. The learner will practice auscultation, trial of vacuum delivery, and manual uterine repositioning.  

This simulation is part of ØRECLESS (Rural Emergencies and Complications in Labour Events Simulations Suite).

Goals and Learning Objectives
Technical/Equipment Recommendations
Supporting Roles and Scripts
Moulage and Scenario Set-Up
Printable Supporting Documents (Will also be accessible at relevant Scenario Stage)

Note: While prepping for your simulation, don't forget to prep for the debrief. Become comfortable with your chosen framework, review your objectives. For additional debriefing resources, see our Resources page.

Original Author: Tiana Bressan
Originally published on: October 10, 2023
Most Recent Modification: November 3, 2023