ØRECLESS: Normal Vaginal Delivery in a Rural Family Practice.

Learners will manage a normal vaginal labour and delivery beginning with the active first stage.

  • Kristen Palumbo    
  • None   
  • Jan. 17, 2024, 2:03 a.m.   

  • Obstetrics   
  • Medical Students, Residents, Physicians, Nurses   
  • ECG Leads/Wires, IV Equip., O2 Monitors, Pulse Oximeter, Temperature Probe   

  • 1   
  • < 30 Min   
  • Rural Hospital   
ØRECLESS: Normal Vaginal Delivery in a Rural Family Practice.

It’s Monday morning and you are the physician on-call at a rural 1A obstetrics site. The hospital is staffed by one other physician who is on-call to the ED, two RNs, and an RPN. The past weekend was quite busy and the other staff have multiple patients they are caring for in the ED, but at least one member of the nursing staff is available to help in labour and delivery if needed.

You have just finished getting handover from the night shift staff when a 27 y/o G1P0 presents to the ED at 38 weeks gestation, accompanied by her aunt as a support person. Her partner works for 2 weeks at a time out of town and is due to be home in 3 days. Since this was their first child, they thought she would make it to at least 39 weeks gestation. She reports having approximately 5 hours of labour pain and regular contractions every 4 minutes for the past hour.

On examination, the mother will be 6 cm dilated. The learner must manage labour and delivery, beginning with the active first stage with the assistance of one RN.

This simulation is part of ØRECLESS (Rural Emergencies and Complications in Labour Events Simulations Suite).

Goals and Learning Objectives
Technical/Equipment Recommendations
Supporting Roles and Scripts
Moulage and Scenario Set-Up
Printable Supporting Documents (Will also be accessible at relevant Scenario Stage)

Note: While prepping for your simulation, don't forget to prep for the debrief. Become comfortable with your chosen framework, review your objectives. For additional debriefing resources, see our Resources page.

Original Author: Kristen Palumbo 
Originally published on: January 3, 2024
Most Recent Modification: