Pediatric Unintentional Overdose - in development

Unintentional pediatric overdose - initially with an unclear history.

  • Dr Dan Irvine    
  • None   
  • Nov. 25, 2024, 3:15 p.m.   

  • Toxicology   
  • Residents, Other   
  • ACLS Equip., Manakin - LF   

  • 3   
  • 45 Min   
  • Rural Hospital   
Pediatric Unintentional Overdose - in development


Goals and Learning Objectives

Overall Goal:

Specific Learning Objectives:

  1. Objective 1: Keep Toxicological causes on the differential for decreased GCS
  2. Objective 2: Keep opioid overdose in the differential for all demographics
  3. Objective 3: Management of opioid overdose management, including naloxone bolus and infusions.
  4. Objective 4: Airway management
Technical/Equipment Recommendations

Time Recommended: X minutes total (X min Setup | Xmin Scenario | Xmin Debrief)

Patient Recommendation: young child mannikin, parent as supportive role

Medical Equipment:

  • Equipment 1: Cardiac monitor
  • Equipment 2: Airway equipment (OPA, igels, BVM, some may opt to intubate)
  • Equipment 3: Vascular Access: IV/IO supplies
  • Equipment 4: Glucometer
  • Equipment 5: Suction


  • Medication 1: Naloxone
  • Medication 2: IV fluids
Supporting Roles and Scripts


Role Description (Role, Behaviour, Key Moments, Script)

On scene

  • Should at least temporize airway prior to transport


Bedside RN                                    

Involve RN, or allow another resident to act as a nurse of 1-2 years experience.



If asked can provide history- no known ingestions substances in the house. Has had a mild runny nose, no known trauma. Can say that there is someone they don't know in the house. 



Moulage and Scenario Set-Up

Moulage: 3 year old infant  - cyanotic and flat. Covered in emesis on EMS arrival. Slow breathing. 

Set-Up: This is a two stage SIM designed for multidisciplinary SIMS with EMS, nursing, and residents. Stage one is EMS

Printable Supporting Documents (Will also be accessible at relevant Scenario Stage)

Note: While prepping for your simulation, don't forget to prep for the debrief. Become comfortable with your chosen framework, review your objectives. For additional debriefing resources, see our Resources page.

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