ØRECLESS: Postpartum Hemorrhage in a Rural Family Practice.

Learners will manage an obstetrical complication of postpartum hemorrhage with a resource shortage.

  • Tiana Bressan    
  • None   
  • Jan. 5, 2024, 8:51 p.m.   

  • Obstetrics   
  • Medical Students, Residents, Physicians, Nurses   
  • Airway Equip., Central Line Kit, ECG Leads/Wires, IV Equip., Level 1 Transfusion Equip., NIBP Cuff, O2 Monitors, Pressure Bags, Pulse Oximeter, Temperature Probe   

  • 1   
  • < 30 Min   
  • Rural Hospital   
ØRECLESS: Postpartum Hemorrhage in a Rural Family Practice.

You just started as the new locum in the community and spent the past few days hiking and backcountry camping. The hospital is a rural 1A maternity site (no local cesarean section capabilities), and the nearest urban centre is 530 km away. Your colleagues are great, the area is beautiful, and it feels like home. You may even consider staying here a little longer.

You were the only physician on-call when a 32 y/o woman presented to the ED today at 2345 in labour. The neonate was delivered five minutes ago with Apgar scores of nine at one minute and five minutes. There was no notable maternal or fetal trauma.

The woman is from a neighbouring community, has had no prenatal care, and stated that she had no issues throughout the pregnancy. She has no allergies and only takes “natural supplements.” She doesn’t smoke or drink alcohol. The delivery went well, and you are now tasked with delivering the placenta.

The learner will manage the delivery of the placenta followed by postpartum hemorrhage. The learner will demonstrate active management of the third stage of labour, navigate a resource shortage (e.g., blood products), and administer appropriate medications for postpartum hemorrhage management.

This simulation is part of ØRECLESS (Rural Emergencies and Complications in Labour Events Simulations Suite).

Goals and Learning Objectives
Technical/Equipment Recommendations
Supporting Roles and Scripts
Moulage and Scenario Set-Up
Printable Supporting Documents (Will also be accessible at relevant Scenario Stage)

Note: While prepping for your simulation, don't forget to prep for the debrief. Become comfortable with your chosen framework, review your objectives. For additional debriefing resources, see our Resources page.

Original Author: Tiana Bressan
Originally published on: July 14, 2023
Most Recent Modification: October 14, 2023